My name is Drew, a stomach cancer survivor. This is my story.
A few years ago, I consulted a doctor regarding pain in my stomach.
I felt fearful and powerless when my diagnosis was confirmed to be stage 2 stomach (gastric) cancer.
As of late 2023, it has been more than 3 years since my diagnosis. I have completed treatment and I am no longer taking medication.
I am now living free of cancer.

Besides the stomach pain, I was also experiencing heartburn.
My doctor suggested that I proceed with an endoscopy to confirm my condition, due to my family history of being diagnosed with stomach cancer.
When I received my diagnosis, I was sad and overwhelmed with worry. I felt powerless.

I adjusted some of my habits as I prepared for treatment.
I decreased my alcohol intake by half. I became more conscious of my diet and strove to eat healthier meals more regularly.

Initial Surgery Plan:
- Gastrectomy - Removal of a part of stomach
Initial Non-surgical Treatment:
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
All of the treatment options were suggested by my doctor. Despite having full trust in my doctor's recommendations, I still did my own research by seeking advice from my family and reading health websites.
Eventually I decided to proceed only with:
- Gastrectomy and Chemotherapy
I chose not to undergo radiation therapy.
Once the treatment plans had been decided, I still felt a bit scared and anxious. In addition to conventional medical care, I also sought alternative treatment, such as traditional Chinese medicine.

I experienced several side effects from my treatment journey.
I suffered from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. As a result of the side effects, my weight fluctuated a lot post-treatment.
To manage my side effects, I improved my nutrition intake and relied on prescribed medication (ie. pain medication) as well.

My priorities have changed since the diagnosis.
I eat healthier nowadays. My sexual relationship with my partner was halted when I was undergoing treatment.
However, my overall quality time with my family has increased. We see each other twice as often than we used to before my cancer diagnosis.
My family and I are planning a trip to Australia before my son moves there to further his studies next year.

I want to live a healthy and long life, despite the loss of a part of my stomach, and see my son graduate from university. I will be more mindful about my diet and try to start exercising.
On some days, I am tempted to eat fried food like I regularly used to. However, my fear of having more stomach problems prevents me from falling into old habits. Now, I exercise more control over myself.
These days, I just look forward to spending time with loved ones. I want to go on a trip with my friends this year as well.

I lost my father and uncle to gastric cancer. I am scared of the cancer returning to affect the lower part of my stomach.
I do what I can to overcome my fear so it wouldn't affect how I live my life drastically. I practice thinking more positively and monitor my food intake now. I avoid barbecued food (BBQ).
I also turn to my family and friends when I need any support.

Some time has passed since I was diagnosed with stage 2 gastric cancer. My feelings towards the diagnosis is mostly neutral now, I'm no longer as fearful and sad as I was before.

Being diagnosed with cancer doesn't mean it is the end for you. Think about your loved ones. Listen properly to doctors if you want to recover well.
This patient's story is published and shared with their full consent. Any personal data that can be used to identify the patient has been omitted.
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