My name is Mawar, I'm married and have 2 children. This is my journey with stomach cancer.
I was experiencing a wide range of symptoms, which included persistent fatigue, heartburn and pain in the region of my stomach or breastbone. Worried, I sought medical help and was eventually diagnosed with stage 2 stomach (gastric) cancer.
After undergoing surgery and chemotherapy, I decided against continuing treatment to focus on caring for my family.

A while ago, I was constantly feeling tired and my body was hurting. On top of that, I had heartburn and pain in the region of my stomach and breastbone. Concerned about these symptoms, I went for a medical check up. I was eventually diagnosed with stage 2 gastric cancer.
The news of my diagnosis certainly took me by surprise. I was confused and honestly did not expect it to be cancer.

I know that many others with cancer make certain lifestyle adjustments after their diagnosis, but I did not make any changes to my lifestyle and continued living my life like usual.

Surgery Plan:
Partial Gastrectomy - Removal of a part of stomach
Non-surgical Treatment:
These treatment options were recommendations made by my doctor. Although I proceeded with surgery and underwent the partial gastrectomy, I later chose to discontinue further treatment. I felt that I didn't have the time to continue with cancer treatment because I needed to prioritize taking care of my family, as a mother of 2 children.

Undergoing treatment for gastric cancer came with its fair share of side effects. More notably, I was always feeling fatigued and I lost my appetite. Despite these challenges, I didn't do anything to cope with these side effects.

Since surgery, I haven't made any lifestyle adjustments. However, there have been changes in my relationships with my loved ones.
I've visited my parents more often and am spending more time with my kids, even though we can no longer go on family trips together ever since I was diagnosed with cancer.
Right now, my plans in life are to be together with my family, spending time with one another and making more good memories. I just want to take life easy.

My aspirations are simple. I want to lead a good, peaceful life with ample time for myself to attend religious classes. On top of that, I'd love to have the chance to watch my grandchildren grow up.

I lost my brother-in-law to cancer when he was still relatively young. So, I would say my primary concern has always been the possibility of my gastric cancer worsening and potentially requiring further treatment.

It's certainly been some time since I was diagnosed with cancer. While my initial feelings were of surprise and confusion, I now find myself feeling rather neutral about my diagnosis.

My advice for other people with cancer is to stay strong. Stay close to your loved ones, like your family and friends, and lean on them for encouragement and support.
This patient's story is published and shared with their full consent. Any personal data that can be used to identify the patient has been omitted.
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